Top 15 successful business ideas in Jordan


Top 15 successful business ideas in Jordan

There is no doubt that many people in most countries of the world, particularly in Jordan, suffer from a lack of financial resources and distress due to the deteriorating economic conditions resulting from the recent spread of the pandemic, which has disrupted all the wheels of the economy, and others suffer from a lack of ideas for successful projects that are not affected by any events political, economic, or any other variables

Most of the small or medium-sized enterprises have witnessed a stagnation in recent times, which has made the youth of today unable to choose the most appropriate project for them, which guarantees them a decent life. Here we will try to present some ideas for successful projects in Jordan with a logical capital

Successful project ideas in Jordan

There is no doubt that small economic projects in Jordan are considered one of the most popular projects in recent years. Rather, they have become the most important methods of profit in the current period, as a result of the various ideas that these projects were keen to implement and implement, which made them steadfast and not affected by any changes. The demand for them is the same, but rather It increases year after year

The following is a set of ideas for these projects that can actually be implemented on the ground in Jordan

Cafeteria project (the best successful project in Jordan)

After a hard day’s work, many Jordanians resort to the cafeteria as a form of entertainment, where friends gather at the cafe to exchange news, drink coffee, conclude business deals, or watch football matches on TV. It is the most suitable and best place to meet instead of other noisy and crowded places

From this point of view, the idea of ​​​​establishing a cafeteria in Jordan is considered one of the most successful ideas at the present time, which will not be affected – God willing – by any economic or political events because it is simply the only outlet for young people and adults for self-entertainment

successful business ideas in Jordan
business ideas

But it is worth noting that this project will require a large capital from you at the beginning, as you will rent a store with a large area and make some equipment such as buying tables and chairs, as well as making some decorations and providing appropriate lighting, as well as acquiring a large-sized TV screen

It will also provide all the necessary raw materials for the project for beverages such as tea, sugar, coffee, anise and all hot and cold drinks preferred by customers. As for any project, a number of workers must be employed with honesty, good morals and experience

A lingerie store (a project of 5,000 Jordanian dinars)

This project is one of the small, easy-to-implement ideas. With a capital not exceeding 5,000 Jordanian dinars, you can open a store that sells lingerie and achieve huge sales and thus reap huge profits from it

All you need is to rent a small shop with an area of ​​10 m² in a lively place where there is a lot of pedestrians, then make some equipment such as shelves, windows and decorations, the cost of which will not exceed 2500 Jordanian dinars, and then buy underwear from local companies at wholesale prices and offer them for sale at prices that guarantee you financial profits A respectable

The more your sales and the greater the demand for them, the more you can expand the store and acquire a larger amount of clothes, and so your project will gradually grow and you will become one of the owners of thousands of dinars

Website (the best project in Jordan)

One of the most important ideas of Jordan projects at the present time, which is very popular, is to establish a website that talks about a specific topic and through which information on this topic or posts are provided, provided that they are compatible with SEO standards to facilitate their archiving and their appearance in search engines

And the higher percentages you get in the number of views and visitors, the more you will have the opportunity to make profits from your location and without making any effort

You can profit from this site in many ways, most notably Google AdSense ads or ads for individuals and companies

Agricultural project for the production of plants and food herbs

The idea of ​​implementing an agricultural project seems to be a very good idea, especially in Jordan. The climate is suitable for agriculture in most of its regions and seasons, the land is fertile, and the labor force is available. These agricultural projects often provide essential products that cannot be dispensed with in any way, and this makes sales easier, faster and less. Costs from other industrial and commercial projects to ensure a satisfactory profit rate

The good thing about these projects is that they do not require great expertise or a specific scientific level, but with a little help and a passion for agriculture, you can launch your project

Soap and detergent industry

There are many home business ideas that women can do at home, and they are ideas for small projects, but they are often successful and achieve more than good profits. Among these ideas, we find the soap and detergent industry. Such products are among the basics of every home we use, whether to clean surfaces and floors or For washing kitchen utensils or for body hygiene

The raw materials and tools used in the soap and detergent making process are inexpensive and can be found anywhere. You will need a large bowl to mix the ingredients, some large containers to fill the detergent that has been produced, as well as some small boxes to put the soap bars. The skill of making detergents and soaps can be learned. The skill of making detergents and soap can be learned through online videos, specifically the YouTube platform, and it will be easy to master it after a certain period of time

Women hairdressers (a successful project with a small capital in Jordan)

Women in Jordan are concerned about their elegance and beauty, giving every occasion its due and flocking to the barbershop once a week to care for their hair, take care of their skin and trim their nails

So the idea of ​​establishing a women’s hairdresser in Jordan is one of the ideas of small projects that cannot be lost, and that its cost will not exceed 10,000 Jordanian dinars. The important thing is to choose a barber shop in a vital place in order to attract the largest number of targets and then equip it with all the equipment, supplies and tools used in hairdressing Skin and nail care, with the employment of two female workers to meet the needs of female clients

Selling electrical appliances (the best profitable business in Jordan)

There is no home that does not need sockets, electrical switches, small bulbs, or electrical wires. All of these products are essential and cannot be dispensed with in any way. They are used in all types of facilities and buildings, and the demand for them is increasing, and for this reason, it is a great idea of ​​project ideas. It is small in Jordan and will not require much effort or large capital

With a small shop that does not exceed 10 m², inside a residential neighborhood or off a main street crowded with cars, you can start this project. You can also get all kinds of these tools from local companies or import them from abroad

Water filling station

The demand for mineral water bottles has increased by the Jordanian people in a way that attracts attention, but the offer does not meet the demand. Therefore, the establishment of a water filling station is one of the ideas of small projects in Jordan that will be very profitable and you can never lose. Once this station is opened, you will definitely have A sufficient number of individuals and companies alike to purchase bottles of mineral water from you

A pilot project that provides technical services

One of the ideas of small projects in Jordan is to establish a technology company whose function is to provide various technical services such as design, programming, e-marketing for the benefit of clients from other countries such as Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, Kuwait and others for high prices. Many other companies need such services and will not hesitate for a moment to pay water After the desired service ends

One of the advantages of this project is that it is possible to establish it anywhere you are and with little capital. The important thing is to employ people who have their own devices to receive customer requests and implement them in the fullest and on time

As the owner of the idea of ​​this project, you can hire these people on an hourly basis or on demand to complete a specific work and get a specific amount after agreeing on it in advance. If you manage this project well, it will be the seed for a pioneering project that will bring you fantastic profits and may even be the best project in Jordan

Teaching foreign languages

One of the most widely used foreign languages ​​in the world is English, and therefore the Jordanian people seek to learn it in order to communicate with the outside world and get golden job opportunities in some foreign companies

From this point of view, you can – my dear brother – establish a center for teaching foreign languages ​​in Jordan and start teaching them to those who are interested in exchange for some money.

Electronic devices maintenance project

Most of the electronic devices available at home, in companies, or in shops and stores are subject to damage or malfunction, which makes them need periodic maintenance and repair

Therefore, the need for maintenance centers is increasing, and for this reason, the idea of ​​establishing a center for the repair of electronic devices of all kinds is one of the best successful projects in Jordan and the most in demand, especially that it is one of the service projects that cannot be dispensed with

All you will need to implement this project is to rent a medium-sized shop in one of the populated places, make some decorations, and then hire a labor force specialized in repairing all kinds of these devices. To market your project, you can use social networking sites or make some posters or cards and distribute them to customers

Chicken shop

business ideas
business ideas

One of the small and successful projects in Jordan is the establishment of a chicken shop. Everyone likes to eat white meat, as it is one of the products that provide the body with building food necessary for its growth. You have to notice

All you need for the success of this project is to choose its location in a residential neighborhood or next to a crowded main street or close to the shops in the area, and then you equip it with cages, a water basin, a large plastic container for storing waste and a machine for cleaning chickens from feathers to Along with some other equipment such as knives, plastic bags, cleaning materials, etc… Once you provide all these equipment, you can, with God’s blessing, start your project

The project of establishing a tourist office

Jordan is one of the most attractive Arab countries for foreign and Arab tourists alike, despite the small size of this country. Jordan has a unique mixture that creates an attractive environment for tourists, where religious, historical and medical tourism attract many tourists every year and the number is increasing. Therefore, the idea of ​​establishing a tourist office whose mission is to provide a variety of services to these arrivals will be a more than excellent idea that will bring you attractive profits

Land and real estate trade (the best investment projects in Jordan)

Due to the increase in urban development and the constant desire to buy land and real estate, the idea of ​​a commercial land and real estate project is one of the most profitable commercial projects in Jordan. Real estate market closely and sell if the price rises in order to avoid losses

Party organizing project

Of course, the Jordanian people are interested in parties and special occasions such as weddings, circumcision, graduation and birthdays as the best interest, so they do not hesitate to choose the most luxurious hall, the best food and drinks, the best band and other things

Therefore, you can take advantage of this point and open an office to organize parties and secure all the supplies in exchange for decent money that guarantees a satisfactory percentage of the profits

These were the best ideas of successful projects in Jordan that can be a business for you. Some of them are traditional and some are innovative, as it always depends on the needs and desires of the population. All you have to do is research and study, then choose what you see fit and finally make the effort to achieve success