7- Vaginismus definition, types and causes of occurrence


7- Vaginismus definition, types and causes of occurrence

The problem of vaginismus is one of the biggest problems that couples face. When a woman suffers from vaginismus, the pelvic muscles begin to put pressure on this area, which leads to unbearable pain, and therefore sexual intercourse cannot be established

In this article, a site for men only explains everything related to vaginismus in terms of its types, causes, diagnosis, and treatment methods

Vaginal spasm is a pathological condition that results from a muscle spasm in the lower pelvic muscles in women, which makes sexual intercourse with the other party more difficult, and the woman feels severe pain during intimacy, which makes the couple refrain from communicating with each other

Women usually develop vaginismus in several cases, such as the partner’s attempt to insert the penis into the wife’s vagina, in addition to the woman placing tampons in the vagina or when the woman is touched in the area around the vagina

Some women suffer from vaginismus after menstruation, when estrogen levels decrease, the elasticity and moisture of the vagina decrease, making sexual relations painful and sometimes impossible, which may lead to vaginismus in some

When vaginismus occurs, it is very difficult to insert the examination speculum into the vagina during the clinical examination, due to the involuntary contraction of the pelvic floor

Vaginismus may lead to complete spasm in the muscles of the body in addition to a temporary stopping of breathing, and the most affected muscles are the pubic ganglion muscles, the muscle responsible for urination, sexual intercourse, and a woman’s feeling of orgasm, in addition to bowel movement Childbirth

Vaginismus definition
Vaginismus definition

Types of vaginismus
There are various types of vaginismus that can affect women at different ages, and the types of vaginismus are

Primary vaginismus

We have previously explained in detail the nature of this type, as it leads to tension in the marital relationship, as the presence of pain always in the pelvic and vaginal area, can result in difficulty during the medical examination for women or when using the vaginal tampon

Women often face this problem during the first attempt of intercourse with a man, and therefore the man will be unable to insert the penis into the vagina, and this can be accompanied by pain, muscle spasms in the body, and it may even come to the woman stopping breathing for a moment

Secondary vaginismus

This type of cramping may result at any stage of a woman’s life, and is usually the result of a specific circumstance, such as an infection or infection, menopause, hearing shocking news, problems during intimacy or childbirth

Global vaginismus

This vaginismus is always present, and anything can trigger it to cause the spasm

Causes of vaginismus
Vaginal cramps occur for many reasons, including

Vaginal infections: Vaginal infections are one of the main causes of vaginal cramps, as they cause health complications such as itching that causes cramps, and infections can result from neglecting the hygiene of the vagina and excessive vaginal secretions and infection and bacteria in the area, and the chances of this problem increase after the menstrual cycle
Pregnancy and childbirth: Many women suffer from vaginal cramps after pregnancy and childbirth, as severe stress on this area can cause these health problems, and it is often a temporary problem and disappears with time

Anxiety and tension: A woman’s feeling of anxiety and fear of sexual intercourse leads to vaginal spasms, and this usually occurs in the first stage after marriage, as well as in the first sexual encounters after childbirth
Pain of intercourse: If a woman suffers from intercourse pain, she may suffer from vaginal spasms that prevent her and her husband from enjoying sexual intercourse, and the woman’s feeling increases in fear of the following sexual encounters

Vaginismus diagnosis

When diagnosing vaginismus, the doctor will ask the patient about the symptoms, conduct clinical examinations of the pelvis to rule out any other possible causes of pain and cramps, and find out if the pain occurred during intercourse or as a result of another problem

Diagnosis helps in knowing the most important methods of treating vaginismus, and the diagnosis of vaginismus usually begins by describing the symptoms, and the doctor may ask about the symptoms, the date the problem first occurred, the extent of its occurrence and the main cause of vaginismus

Diagnostic questions may include whether the woman has been sexually abused or abused by a partner, and some women may feel cramping during the clinical examination, and the doctor will in turn reassure the patient and make the examination more comfortable

When the doctor suspects vaginismus, he will perform a gentle examination and help the woman to facilitate the entry of the speculum for examination by directing her to the places to place the hand or medical instruments, and explaining each step the doctor takes. During the examination, the doctor looks for the presence of vaginitis or an infection that led to convulsion

The doctor can diagnose the patient’s condition by knowing some of the symptoms that she may be exposed to, such as difficulty controlling muscle contractions in the vagina, or decreased sexual desire in women, in addition to vaginal secretions and infections, and after diagnosis, the most important methods of treating vaginismus will be known

Vaginismus treatment

After making a diagnosis and knowing the causes that lead to vaginismus, methods of treating vaginismus may need the presence of more than one specialist depending on the cause that led to the problem of cramping, and to confirm the presence of infections in the vagina

The goal of treatment will be to reduce the fear and automatic muscle pain associated with the problem of spasticity, and treatment usually includes a combination of the following practices

Vaginismus definition
Vaginismus definition

Pelvic floor muscle exercises
Pelvic floor muscle exercises “Kegel exercises” play an effective role in relieving vaginal spasms, as they help increase the ability to control and relax the muscles

And exercises to reduce and relax the muscles of the vagina can be practiced more than once a day to reduce the feeling of cramps, and to achieve the best results, it is recommended to practice the following steps

Empty the bladder by urinating
Begin to contract the pelvic floor muscles for 10 seconds
Relax your pelvic muscles for 10 seconds
Repeat these steps 10 times in a row

Getting rid of fear and anxiety
The woman must understand the sexual relationship well, and stop feeling afraid of this practice, but should enjoy it with the husband

If the cause of vaginal cramps is related to the pain of intercourse, the causes of intercourse pain must be sought and treated. For example, if the cause of intercourse pain is vaginal dryness, the woman can use medical lubricants to overcome the dryness, but if the cause is vaginal infections, it should Paying attention to the cleanliness and cleansing of the vagina well to treat these infections

Warm and cold compresses
Warm and cold compresses on the vagina help soothe vaginal spasms, and it is preferable to switch between them and repeat this matter more than once a day, but you must make sure that the vaginal area is dried well after the completion of the compresses so that moisture does not cause the growth and reproduction of bacteria and germs in the vagina, and the subsequent problems Many health issues such as infections, itching, etc

Training and exercise to enter the penis
A plastic expander can be used, and if it is inserted, it is moved to the next step of leaving it for 10-15 minutes to allow the muscles to get used to the pressure

You can teach the husband the mechanism to enter the penis, when the woman feels comfortable with it, as she can allow her husband to put his penis near the vagina, but not inside and when she feels completely comfortable, the couple can try intercourse again as it is one of the most important ways to treat vaginismus

In some rare cases, you may need surgery to treat vaginismus